Across the Street: Watercolor Painting

Some blog posts will be lacking. This is one of those blog posts. I will do my best, and have a plan to try and prepare for next month, but I only get so much time. If you are a subscriber of mine, you probably know, but if you're new, let me tell you a little more about myself. I have PMDD. Which stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, and it is a severe version of PMS. This is something I battle with monthly, for roughly 15 days, and it really does have a mind of it's own. I can become an entirely different person, my mind will make up strange and demented things. Sometimes I can't tell I'm on Earth. There's so much more to it, so I'll link the videos I have done on it. Maybe in another post I can talk about some recent experiences and how I've been coping as of late. Living with PMDD and part of my ED story (TW): Tips to Living with PMDD: ...